Saturday, 24 December 2011

The Truth About Six Pack Abs - My Review

This is the final day of my Six Pack Challenge. My friends challenged me to get a six pack before Christmas and I am pleased to say that I have achieved what I set out to do and will reveal my new six pack abs this evening. After careful consideration on what diet plan to use I finally decided on the Truth About Six Pack Abs (see link at the bottom of my review).

When I first started the 'Truth About Six Pack Abs' diet plan I was a bit dubious. I had dieted in the past but nothing really seemed to work (maybe because of my lack of self discipline). However, this diet plan seemed to really fit in with my way of life and didn't seem to be a chore or hard work.

The first week on the plan was the most difficult as my body was adjusting on the diet. The weight seemed to drop off me pretty much from the start and by the second week I could see my abs. I only went to the gym a couple of times whilst on the diet and this was mainly to have a quick swim and a sauna. NO OTHER major exercise waste performed whilst on the diet plan.

Ok, I think it is time to show you my before and after pic. Drum roll please...

Truth About Six Pack Abs

As you can see, over the last 4 weeks or so I have dropped massive amounts of body fat. I may not have the abs of Brad Pitt but you can still see them and that's what matters. I still have a way to go and I will continue with the Truth About Six Pack Abs for another few months until I am at the point where I am at around 7% body fat.

My Overall Truth About Six Pack Abs Review

Ease Of Use - 4 / 5
As long as you are dedicated then you will have no problems with this diet. Put it this way, If I can do it (and I am really lazy) then you can do it!
Effectiveness - 5 / 5
I think my picture pretty much says it all!
Value For Money - 5 / 5
For the price of the program (you are paying peanuts) it is well worth the money. In fact it is probably the best $$ I have spent. The program costs the price of a meal out so instead of going to your local restaurant and buying a burger and fries buy this instead!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

3rd week in - My Six Pack is looking mighty fine!

It's now the 3rd week into my Six Pack Abs Challenge and I'm pretty much there as far as my six pack is concerned. I won't reveal my 'After' pick until the last day of the challenge as I want it to be a surprise.

If you have been following my blog for the last few weeks you will know that I am using the 'The Truth About Six Pack Abs' program and nothing else. My friends challenged my to get six pack abs before Christmas and I am well on my way to achieving this thanks to this program. I only have a few weeks left so make sure you come back for the 'Big Reveal'.

My last post is going to be on the 24th December (Christmas Eve). Wish me luck!

Thursday, 1 December 2011

2nd week in - I WILL get six pack abs!

Hey folks! It's been my 2nd full week into my Six Pack Abs diet. I have decided to stick one program for this challenge as I have found it too complicated to use both at the same time. I've decided to use only the Truth About Six Pack Abs plan as I think I will get the fastest results with this. Long term I will try to implement the Fat Burning Furnace as as this will probably fit better into my hectic lifestyle!

I wanted to give you an update as it's been a week since I last wrote an update. I have been following the 'Truth About Six Pack Abs' plan to the letter and over the last week I have shed quite a bit of body fat. I was going to go to the gym several times a week during this experiment but I am going wait until the end of my challenge (I already have some muscle definition from my intermittent sessions at the gym so I am hoping my diet routine is enough to look ripped). Only time will tell I guess?!

One great thing about 'The Truth About Six Pack Abs' plan is the fact that it is really easy to follow and you really see the difference after just a week. My abs are really starting to show now! I will post some progress pictures in my next post!

The Truth About Six Pack Abs - >> CLICK HERE <<
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